What makes a person want to run with pirates?
And so much more..
Half Ton was a man of few words. I looked forward to hearing what he had to say. There was just something about him. He also did not let very many get too close to him. Though he was prospecting for the VNVMC/Legacy Vets and always surrounded by his brothers, he really was more of a loner type. Getting to know Half Ton (formerly known as Jeffrey) was not easy. He guarded his heart with an invisible breastplate; a true warrior, in need of the healing love of Jesus.
Jeffrey had a beautiful wife and daughter. He also had a fulfilling career as a first responder after serving his country.
Life was good.
He was the Life-flight pilot on duty that night. As he and his crew came upon the scene, Jeffrey listened to the description of the vehicle over the radio.
"That sounds like my wife's car.."
When he arrived at the scene, he saw it was his beloved wife and precious daughter. Jeffrey used the 'Jaws of Life' to cut his way through to them. Their injuries were fatal. He did all he could to save them but they were already gone.
Not only did he lose all that mattered to him in his life but Jeffrey lost himself in the process. And he continued to lose everything else he loved in life; all he had worked for simply fell away. He was broken and destitute.
See, Jeffrey's childhood was a tragic one also. His beautiful life with his two precious girls seemed like the second chance at love he never had as a young boy.
Fast forward a few years.....This is when I actually met Jeffrey, but he was known as Half Ton, a prospect for a local chapter of the Vietnam Vets M/C. Many weekends I watched how Half Ton had to prove his loyalty and dedication to the brotherhood which required him to fulfill many unlawful acts. He watched the backs of his brothers when they were in trouble and they watched his. True blue. No judgment. No questions. Just love. Family...finally.
The Too Much Fun Club hosted a gathering on some property of theirs on the Northern California coast. Half Ton always seemed to go to these things riding solo. I was happy to get an invite and rode up with him and a couple brothers. Half Ton had my back on winding Highway 1. It was my first ride on that road on my bike.
Before heading out for a ride, the Chaplain gathered us for the blessing of the bikes. As he swept the burning sage over each club brother (and guest), the Chaplain prayed a blessing one by one with our bikes. When he came to Half Ton, I witnessed something very powerful. I was in no way following Jesus at the time, but God was with me. And he was with Half Ton. The Chaplain felt it and I felt it. Our brother was so hungry for healing in his heart that he wept as the Chaplain prayed over him. I heard the Chaplain later tell the club president, "This is one special brother you have here".
So true.
Military, brotherhood, camaraderie..Half Ton knew the support and loyalty of his brothers in the marines. When he lost everything he had, he looked for the same; a group who 'knew' him and whom he 'knew'. A familiar home he felt safe with.
What had life offered him? It took all he loved. He threw in the towel, so to speak. No more trying to make life happen according to life. Life did him wrong.
But God was pursuing Half Ton. He wanted to do heart surgery on him. It was right after this that I built up enough boldness to ask Half Ton about his life. I wanted to get a glimpse into his tender heart. I saw he did not fit in with this outlaw life. I was blessed that Jeff would open up to me and share that pivotal moment that sent him over the edge. Oh how beautiful it would have been if God's word were spoken into Jeff's heart that day. This Chaplain did not speak God's word.
I pray Jesus came and ministered to Jeff in that moment.
Cherie ,
ReplyDeleteseems he got you to, Jeffrey B.Wheatley AKA Halfton had no children, he was a story teller and that is what ultimately caused the animals to murder him.
He made up several lives and told stories that people were mesmerized by. In reality he has a loving family , the only son of fireman.
He has 3 sisters who cared about him very much and are left empty with the loss of him.
He believed in "higher" power" or being.
He was an angry little boy , who when his legs were crippled while playing baseball , he blamed the world and never could accept it.
He was a light and made life magical.
when he was in recovery he made good on a lot of things and I finally understood.
We were best and worst friends, lovers , at times like sister and brother.
I have never loved someone so much in all my life, I gave up everything to try to help him, in the end it wasn't enough. I know he is in a better place and I know he is finally at peace.
we are all better for knowing him.
He was a rare beauty.
Diannia, I am so very sorry I am just reading your comment for the first time. I also am just now discovering through you post that Half Ton is no longer with us. I am deeply grieved as I read through his online memorial site.
I am so sorry for your loss and am grateful our beloved friend had you to love him unconditionally.
God bless you always!
Keep spreading the goodness Lady!