"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation
Old things have passed away
Behold, all things have become new"
2 Corinthians 5:17

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Grandma's Treasure Chest

No matter how many times I sort through my grandmother's miniature chest of old photos and newspaper clippings, I am always surprised with new momentos she held onto throughout her life.

Today, I saw that little chest sitting on top of my boxes of photo albums stored in my brother's garage. When I opened it, I saw a hand written postcard I had not seen before.

First, let me explain..

My grandmother and her sisters were from a Sicilian family who made a living in bootlegging for many years. They kept rather colorful company and only dated men of wealth and power. My grandma Mary divorced from my grandfather when my mom was only five years old. That was in 1950. She was a pretty wild woman. She drank daily and always packed a .38 - NOT a real good combination.

The sisters spent much time at the race track. They were the track trophy girls, dressed in diamonds and fur. There are many pictures of them taken with the derby winners, race track owners, and riding in the parade in a brand new Cadillac with some millionaire. You get my drift..

Well, one of her sweeties had a rude awakening. Apparently, he did not understand what he was getting himself into...

My Dear Untamed,

Of all the pretty little canary birds that turned out to be a chicken hawk, you win the leather medal. You hard boiled man hater, you can't talk like that to me! I am not married to you!

Oh! What an eye opener you've been to me. Next time I date a girl, I'll carry a gat for protection. I should sue you for damages for pulling out my hair and scratching my cat!

They should have named you "Cyclone" blow up faster than anything I ever saw.

Once is enough, old dear. No more cave woman stuff for me! I'm through!

Be My Brother

Biker Chef

Harley Davidson - Our Belief